【良曲】Scars of Love —-Cyua/泽野弘之



Music Link by 网易音乐

Close my eyes for real
Smile for all the people’s shade  

淋漓入梦 半面欢颜
All brown leaves fly away into the wind
Die of mystery, secret tragedy    

秋风索离叶 悲逝两迷茫

But I’m watching from the hill
This suddenly thing    

层巅远望 蓦然未央                                                          

I bring some rosemary
Peaceful time was symphony  

迷迭相忆 流歌安然

Even you were always shy to laugh
It’s seemed like a quite life  

惜巧笑如画 似静美如昨

I feel like a empty glass
All I know is for sure You won’t be coming back

怅然愁空盏 知子归无处

My scars of love
What you’d done for me

吾爱之殇 何薄于我

All these memories of you

历历前尘 悠悠伊人

It’s hard for me, somewhere you had gone

忍顾阑珊 衣袂犹在

I belong to you


Remember all your lies
Remember all your sympathy

忆子语诳 忆子情长

Many clouds in front of me
Tough to face my life

今昔云雨 前路何方

I have to walk this street again
This is almost mentally crime on me

锦街堪回望 何处话凄凉

So many days, always to hide away
That is dead end in the vast

往昔暝暝 彼岸枯荣

I’m stuck on deep labyrinth with you
Don’t call my name any more

吾名渐逝 双锁迷笼

hold my hand so long
Creature in my mind and

执手不离 问如来

It never lets me go from you.

偕老不弃 不负卿

